Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Why to Approach Reputed EAS System Sellers?

EAS, also known as Electronic Article Surveillance is considered to be a deterrence loss prevention system helpful for deterring shoplifting. It is generally used by retailers to prevent unnecessary theft. If you are also a retailer, then it is high time for you to contact some reputed library anti theft system in Kolkata for fetching the best advice.

Functionality Associated With Security Tags

EAS involves usage of electronic security towers along with security tags. Hard tags are placed on items available inside the store. They are either applied manually or at the time of merchandizing. They are disabled at check-out by using either of these two methods:
  • Removing the hard tag with the help of a detacher
  • Scanning label tags over an electronic label deactivator
As soon as you approach the market to get one installed for your retail shop, you may find the operations associated a bit complicated. But libary RFID in Kolkata holding good recognition apart from selling their products will also provide a suitable demonstration of the system to reduce the complicacy associated. In case you are confused regarding the choice, then they are there to help you at the best.

Eas System Sellers – There To Assist From All Angles

You must be wondering about the functioning associated with the tag! As per experts in case the security tag is not disabled, it will result into activation of alarm pedestals that are generally located at the exit of any retail store. It is interesting to learn that EAS tags and labels are highly effective in deterring unpaid shoplifting.

There are many professionals who require a combination of hard tags, ink tags and labels for keeping a strict check on the goods. If you are among them, then barcode printer sellers in Kolkata are there to enable you to assist from all angles in case of any fix! Electronic article surveillance is very much popular among retailers who are looking ahead for inventory protection.

Alarming System of EAS System – A Great Feature

EAS refers to security tags that are attached to merchandise and cause an alarm to produce an alarming sound at the time of exiting from store. As soon as the alarming sound comes into ears, a shoplifter will walk out in a casual manner to catch hold the culprit. The alarm sound is not confronted even if no guard is present.

Typically, this identification is used to alert someone regarding unauthorized removal of items from a store, data center or library. There are some reputable barcode scanner sellers in Kolkata who are holders of some exceptional types of EAS systems. But whatever be the case, procedure remains the same! The EAS tag remains affixed to an item! When the item is purchased, the tag is deactivated at the checkout desk.

No Need To Hide Items Behind Locked Doors

Afterwards, when the item is moved through gates, an alert will be provided in case the tag remains active. According to EAS System sellers in Kolkata, this particular system can be used anywhere; especially in those places where the chance of theft is maximum. By placing an EAS tag on an item, there will remain no requirement of hiding the item behind locked doors.

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