Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Anti-theft systems for shops (EAS), how do they work?

What are the most effective anti-theft systems for shops? Security experts say that the most effective anti-theft tools against shoplifting are CCTV and anti-theft tagged alarm systems, better known as EAS (Electronic article surveillance). Separately, they are a good option. But used together, video surveillance cameras and article protection systems are an almost unbeatable choice. EAS technology is used to identify items when they pass through a confined area of ​​the store. This identification is used to alert if someone tries to take an object unauthorized.

EAS systems are useful in some places where a minimal opportunity to steal items of any size. Using an EAS system allows the retailer to have a display with their merchandise but without the need for it to be behind the counter or in a locked display case. Customers can thus browse merchandise without problem, avoiding the hassle of continually asking questions to see the items they want.

Experts say that new EAS technologies help, not only to prevent shoplifting, but also help increase sales, reduce expenses, streamline inventory, improve warehousing logistics and, one day, replace the current way of process the data when making the inventory.

Anti-theft systems for shops

There are also different labelling systems for the protection of beauty items, cosmetics and CDs in a hypermarket. For example, solutions are offered for the protection of products with a high risk of theft or value, such as batteries, fragrances or DVD's by means of transparent security covers. Anti-theft systems protect products and allow customers to see them clearly. They are very useful for protecting expensive items sold on a daily basis such as razors, perfumes and ink cartridges. There are also built-in anti-theft solutions for libraries and video clubs that require specific equipment to reactivate anti-theft labels once the item is returned. If you want to install CCTV camera in your retail shop, contact with the best Anti-Shoplifting System dealers in Kolkata according to your requirement.